Finishing up a nice relaxing 12 hour day with a pint and a feeling that I have neglected my blog.
I have recipes to laminate, things to clean, but what the hey...where did I leave off.
I think I left off with the flood?
We finished the tile...
Most of the finish work was done...
We even had a nice meal prepared over a catering stove...lingine and clam sauce.
I have lots of pictures of the damage, but suffice it to say, restaurant was this full of water, EVERYWHERE!
It's the tan line there, about an inch and a half over 3600 sq ft, the landlord gave me the impression that the storage tank was about 12,000 gallons short.
The landlord, being an environmentally conscience fellow, had installed a very cool grey water system that would be used to supply the toilets for the shopping center. It hadn't been connected, but there was a 'quick' disconnect fitting installed, so that it could be hooked up when the time was right. The fittings were aluminum, the rest of the plumbing was brass, and when the two are combined a reaction happens that results in very rapid corrosion. I don't know any of this, I've just been told.
It burst after only being 2 years old. It blasted through my back wall in a stream that was 15 ft high hitting the opposite wall about 30 ft away...did I mention that all this happened about 2am?
Thankfully Jamie from Sandia Crust was going to Telluride for the weekend and was pulling a late night doing prep for his staff before he left. I didn't have my phone in the house (it's by my bed now) but when I did check my phone, I had 4 panicked messages from Jamie, "Jay, oh my god, I don't know what to say man, there's water pouring out of your front door, I'll call you again and hopefully you'll wake up." "Jay, it's going into China Best, all of your furniture is getting soaked and it's absolutely pouring out your restaurant." "....all I can hear is the sound of water moving at a high velocity and Jamie grunting in the background...." "Dude, I just turned off the big lever in the back, but I am really sorry, your place is absolutely full of water!"
I got about 10 seconds through the first message before I was tearing down the road listening to the rest of the messages, getting a little more panicked every second.
Two things I am happy about...
I am opening a restaurant and not a furniture store. Restaurants are kinda designed to handle water
It wasn't my fault!!!
More later.