So the ABQ Journal is sending a photographer out on Friday to shoot some pix for my soon to be published review. What's the review gonna say? Beats me...
I would be lying if I said that we haven't had some rough spots over the past two months. There have been some mistakes made, food overdone, underdone, underportioned. Some cooks fired, some cooks walking out, some rude servers, and of course, some very tired owners.
Some previous published commentary (which will remain anonymous) that I received for my advertising dollars, spent 1/3 of the commentary rehashing a mistake (which we corrected quickly) made by a former cook that just couldn't comprehend how we did certain things, no matter how many times he/she was trained. Money well spent, ya, but if you're gonna pay for a review...
I can't touch every plate or talk to every customer and I'm not a huge chain with a legion of staff trained by corporate in Denver. Every day we get a little bit better, and even though some days feel like we've taken a few steps backward, things are smoothing out and improving.
It's tough to have your livelihood affected by a couple of meals consumed by someone that may or may not know what they are talking about but have the power of the almighty pen. I really don't think it can be a bad review, I just don't want press that focuses on errors that may or may not be fixed, something stupid I didn't catch, etc...
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