When Matt and I first started talking about the 'diner', one of the first orders of business I felt was to get a truly unique coffee for the restaurant. My first (and only) call was to Dave Black. Since it turned out that we had lots of time, we ended up going through just about every bean that was available.
I wouldn't say that I am like that guy that works for Starbucks that walks around a table set with lots of coffee cups, tasting one at a time with a tiny spoon, but I definately like my bean. My first pre-requisite was that the coffee be fair trade and organic, it's a small price to pay I think.
Dave and I settled on a Sumatran bean (here's some interesting info coffee research and coffee review) and a medium roast.
Just thought I should share a little bit of the background on the bean. I drink it daily...in moderation of course, wouldn't want to get jittery now would we.