Okay...here's what's changing. I wish I could post a better copy of our menu, but I think the only electronic copy is on a computer in Bernalillo. I guess that's a good place for it, we definately shouldn't put it up on our website. Here's a scan of the Menu
Meatloaf...gotta be more summery, on top of that we are REALLY tired of dicing and roasting butternut squash. I'm thinking about some fresh herb blend, maybe some nice sweet onions. I think Walla Walla sweets should be available soon, but maybe Vidalia. Sautee'd chicories, maybe a roast tomato gravy.
Tuna Spring Roll...Matt hates it, I don't disagree, but I know people are going go apes**t on me for changing it. Matt keeps talked about a tuna 'caprese', which sounds cool, but he keeps bugging me. I'm thinking some toast, basil aoilli, red and yellow tomatoes, thin sliced tuna, and some arugula. Sounds like summer, but I need that one other thing to put it over the top...hmmmm, what could it be?
Definately need a new beef tenderloin dish...I personally dislike beef tenderloin, no texture, no flavor, just being honest. It's kinda like the pre-requisite grilled chicken breast dish every restaurant feels it needs. : ) I am getting some flat iron steaks in to sample.
Cool article on Flat Iron Steaks
The onion brick has gotta go. We just can't pull it off consistently. I think really good onion rings, (maybe with the Walla Wallas), served up in our cool baskets.
Steak Salad...working on that...as published earlier.
We gotta put onion rings on the pulled pork...it's REALLY good.
The Pork T-Bone is a real dog. As a result, the less of an item you sell, the less love goes into by the linecooks. Even though, I would like everyone to think I cook everything, it is my buddies on the line that are responsible for ensuring that my dreams make there way to reality.
Risotto...gonna make something springier. I'm thinking a kinda lemony risotto with lots of parmesan and a spring vegetable ragout. Fresh tomatoes, peas, asparagus, maybe some fava beans...I think that's dinner!